Understanding the Importance of a Commercial Litigation Lawyer

Biz Lawyers & Advisory
3 min readFeb 11, 2022

Businesses need to adhere to different types of legal regulations failing which, they might have to face serious consequences. Complying to different types of business laws and terms and conditions as stated in different business contracts is not always easy. And this is the reason why you must hire a commercial litigation lawyer who is well aware of the different types of laws associated to business operations as well as the different ways of resolving commercial disputes.

What does commercial litigation lawyers do?

Commercial litigation attorneys are legal experts specialised in representing the business interests of an organisation and protecting it from any kind of financial disputes. An attorney is mainly known for protecting the organisation’s rights and helping the company in obtaining the most successful outcome in the litigation process. These specialised attorneys have a list of general duties and responsibilities including:

• Drafting the relevant motions and pleadings

• Conducting preliminary case evaluation

• Preparing the responses to be given to complaints raised by other parties

• Exchanging information with opposing party throughout the discovery process

• Presenting the case in front of the court

• Appealing the case on failure during the negotiation process

• Identifying the most appropriate strategy while considering the available evidence

• Negotiating with attorneys of other parties during settlement stage

• Preparing important documents for the lawsuit

These lawyers undoubtedly offer a comprehensive range of services which, would help you to ensure that you abide by the legal framework, eliminate and/or resolve any kind of commercial disputes.

When do you need to hire a commercial litigation lawyer

Shareholder or partnership disputes

The shareholders or partners of an organisation can always file a case against your business. Such conflicts can arise due to any allegation raised on improper management or breach of fiduciary duty. Hence, if you’ve been facing any such kind of a situation, you must look for professional help of commercial litigation attorneys.

Intellectual property conflicts

Conflicts related to trademarks, copyrights, and patents also arise when any other business or individual uses your IP (Intellectual Properties) without taking your consent. In such cases, you can decide to sue them. By hiring a specialised attorney, you will be able to sent them a court order and prevent them from using your IP rights further. Moreover, the attorney will also help you to claim for the damages which, they owe to you.

Breach of contract

The most common type of litigation is related to claims on breach of contract. Whether you’ve signed any contract with any other client, business, or supplier, the breach of contract typically involves a dispute which, might prove to be costly, if you are being proved wrong. Hence, it is always advised to cover all your bases and look for a specialised lawyer to handle the case.

Real estate litigation

If your company has invested in real estate or commercial renting, you will be presented with real estate litigation. In such kind of an instance, you need to avail the assistance of a business litigation attorney so that you can avoid any risk of making real estate investment.

The final word

Having the expertise of a commercial litigation lawyer is undoubtedly important if you’re dealing with different types of critical business disputes or run the operations while adhering to the legal obligations. This is why you should always research on the number of attorneys located nearby and select the most experienced one for achieving proper legal guidance.

Author Bio:

The author is a well-known commercial litigation lawyer who has been consistent in offering professional help to companies across varied industry verticals. He is also known for writing informative blogs and articles on different types of relevant legal topics as well.

